The 10th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Companies A-L, Inc

Equipment Requirements


MUST be a 3-band of the period, see the percentages of use list for order of preference. Since a musket is an expensive purchase, ask the unit commander about acceptability before purchase. Absolutely no Zouaves or weapons of this type. Two-band muskets are NOT authorized due to event organizers' regulations.

Other Weapons
Must be authentic. Check with the unit commander to make sure your weapon is appropriate. NO CSA plates or buttons of any type are appropriate for our unit.

What follows are the other items you will need to complete your impression. The percentages of use list will show you to what extent each item was used then, and should be used now. Note: these lists are printable for your convenience and reference.

If you want to see examples of the gear used, not only by the unit today, but by the soldiers of the War-era, follow this link to the equipment pictures.

Armed Requirements
  1. Musket
  2. Cartridge Box
  3. Cap Box
  4. Cartridge Box Sling
  5. Bayonet
  6. Scabbard

Unarmed Requirements
  1. Canteen
  2. Trousers
  3. Shirt
  4. Shoes
  5. Jacket
  6. Socks
  7. Hat
  8. Tin cup and/or plate
  9. Waist belt
  10. Blanket
  11. Waist belt plate
  12. Correct frames for glasses
  13. Fork
  14. Haversack

Optional Items
  1. Box Sling Plate
  2. Box Plate
  3. Gum Blanket (recommended)
  4. Shelter half/canvas
  5. Greatcoat
  6. Knapsack

These lists should give you an idea of what is expected of each man in the unit. Direct your questions to the commander.

Go on to the percentages of use page.

Return to the the General Uniform Requirements Page.