Joseph Bezanzon | A. Koontz | H. J. Pritchard (Fred. Co.) |
James Bowles | Robert Koontz | Robert B. Ragan |
William Brown | E. B. Knipple (Aug. Co.) | Lewis W. Reherd |
B. F. Caldwell | Andrew Lewis | J. D. S. Reamer |
W. McK. Coffman | George R. Lewis | George Rimel |
A. Crow | Jas. A. Lewis | James Roadcap |
James Curry | William M. Lewis | John Roadcap |
George C. Everding | Charles T. Liggett | John Roadcap of P. |
Robert B. Ewan | Robert Long | J. K. Ryan (Aug. Co.) |
Oliver Ferrell | Jonathan C. Mauck | George W. Salyards |
Francis Flick | A. B. Martz | George Sipe |
James J. Fultz | James May | David Smith |
James R. Fultz | William Miller | J. G. Sprenkel |
James Furry | James Moore | R. Steele |
John Gaither | L. R. McCauley | Isaac Timmons |
W. C. R. Gray | John McCrary | Joseph Waters |
Jacob R. Grove | L. Mohler (Aug. Co.) | W. H. H. Wheeler (A.C.) |
W. A. B. Haney | Henry Murray | John T. Wilkins |
William P. Kemper | J. B. Odor | James Williams |
William M. Kemper | Asbury B. Payne | James H. Wolfrey |
George B. Kemper | William H. Payne | C. Yeakle |
James W. Payne | Jacob H. Yost |
--from the Rockingham Register, August 16, 1861